Sunday, March 07, 2004

Welcome to Save Our World 

Save-Our-World - UK - Home: "Welcome to Save Our World
Save our World acts to help protect and sustain the natural world through increasing awareness and caring for human beings and all other species, as well as inspiring and empowering people to change attitudes, habits and lifestyles - personally, locally, nationally, globally and spiritually.
The save-our-world.net version of our site is now distinguished by having specific pages devoted to global issues, leaving this one, the save-our-world.org.uk version, to concentrate upon local and UK-relevant matters. 'USA Petition' is only on the other site but can also be reached via the animated banner from this one.
** NEW ** Stand for something or!
See new Boiling Point on 'Environmental Impact' and report of a very successful Climate Change event on the eve of President Bush's visit to the UK. Both sites have also been reorganised, with a new Archive page created for Back Issues of Boiling Point and memorable past activities.
You will find out our origins, what we stand for, our values and how to contact us by clicking on �About Us�. You can also join Save our World there. Through �Links� you can find our kindred spirits as well as our own Save our World news Yahoo Group - where all our letters and articles for publication, on national and global matters, are listed from August 1999 - now totalling around 140. Boiling Point contains our main editorial comment on the state of the envvironment and what we can do about it. Archive contains previous Boiling Points, a report of our Save our World Festival in 2000, and a section on World Summit 2002.
Our 'Challenge' page has developed out of an exchange of personal letters with the then UK Environment Minister, Michael Meacher, about a challenge for the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, to set before all the countries of the world at the World Summit on Sustain"

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